
发表: 星期二,2022年8月9日 |标签: 商会资源, 商会网站

作为商会的领导, thinking about the upcoming year and beyond is vital for a thriving community. 你可以问自己这样的问题: 

  • 2023年我们的地区会是什么样子? 
  • What can we do to ensure it is a successful, vibrant place for businesses and the community? 


这些都是你计划未来的重要因素. For now, the pandemic seems to be behind us, which was a challenging time. 当我们展望未来, now is the time to prepare for a flourishing economy where businesses of all sizes thrive and work together, with ample opportunities for everyone to contribute to the vibrancy of the community. 商会 are essential in making this happen as business community advocates. Your website plays a vital role in promoting the interests of businesses in the area, 吸引新企业, 鼓励经济增长.

然而, 如果你的网站过时或维护不善, 这可能会阻碍你所在地区商业社区的发展. Here are some signs that it's time for a new chamber of commerce website:

1. 你的网站看起来过时了,不适合移动设备.

2. 网站 content is old, and there haven't been any updates to existing content.

3. Your website doesn't showcase the diversity of your region's businesses.

4. 你的网站没有产生新的会员.

If any of these apply to your chamber website, it's time to consider redesigning it. Perhaps, you're in the research stage of a redesign but have some questions about the process. We answered some of the most frequently asked questions when considering a new website to help you decide.



The amount of time it takes to build a new chamber website can vary depending on the size and complexity of the site. 必须考虑各种因素, 包括你们商会的目标, 目标受众, 预算, 以及可用的资源. 一般, 大多数网站需要三到六个月才能完成, though some may take longer if they are particularly large or intricate. 


任何商会的专业人士都知道, a website is essential for attracting new members and promoting events. 但是有很多不同的功能需要考虑, it can be difficult to know where to start when redesigning your site. To help you get started, here are six of the most important features to consider:

1. 展示终身价值: 展示成为商会会员的终身价值(一).e.(投资回报)可以帮助说服一些人加入.

2. 登陆页面: Creating landing pages for specific programs or events can be a great way to drive targeted traffic to your site and increase registrations.

3. 会员定价矩阵: Providing potential members with an easy-to-understand pricing matrix can help them quickly see the value of joining your chamber.

4. 数字化年度报告: Making your chamber's annual report available online in a PDF or interactive format can make it easier for potential members to learn about your organization and its impact.

5. 沉默的推销员: A popup box that appears when a user first visits your site can be a great way to promote special events or highlight key membership benefits.

6. 倒计时定时器: 如果你有一个即将到来的活动, adding a countdown timer to your homepage can help generate excitement and encourage people to register.


When it comes to building a new website for your Chamber of Commerce, 有很多因素需要考虑. 

  • 你打算在设计和开发上花多少钱? 
  • 你需要什么功能? 
  • 托管和维护费用是多少? 

These are all important questions that will determine the final cost of your website. 一般, you can expect to spend anywhere from $15,000 to $45,000 on a new Chamber website. 当然, the exact cost will depend on the size and complexity of your site, 以及您选择的特定功能和选项. But no matter what your 预算 may be, there is a Chamber website solution that will fit your needs.


When choosing a website provider for your chamber of commerce, there are vital things to remember. 

  • It's important to find a team that has a good understanding of how chambers of commerce operate. 从长远来看,这将节省你的时间和金钱.
  • Work with a team that focuses on helping your chamber generate new membership and ROI rather than fancy tools.
  • You don't want too many cooks in the kitchen; too many people involved will make the project more expensive. Having a small strikeforce team is better for getting the job done right. 
  • 找一个对商会网站有丰富经验的团队. 这种方式, you can be sure that they'll be able to create a site that is both visually appealing and easy to use. 
  • You want to find a team committed to helping you market your chamber to the right demographic. 

有一个强大的网站,吸引新的企业和会员, chambers of commerce can show their region is an environment where businesses can thrive, 社区才能繁荣. Our team at 立博客户端app下载 has a wealth of experience creating Chamber websites and understanding their unique needs. We work with some of the country's top Chamber of Commerce organizations; 查看我们的投资组合.



Yes, the whole staff can easily use the software and manage the website.



我需要帮助我们的导航和内容. 立博客户端app下载能帮上忙吗? 

Yes, we provide suggestions on the sitemap and what types of content chambers need.


拥有超过20年的经验, 我们的设计师, 工程师, and digital marketers have been helping Chambers grow with website and membership management software. If you're ready to transform your website, contact our team today!

我们喜欢与非营利组织合作. 看看立博客户端app下载能为你做些什么!



6 Ideas to Provide More Value to Your Chamber of Commerce Members


通过强大的网站加速您的商会的增长 & 会员软件


Experience seamless management and unprecedented growth with our all-in-one website and membership software, 旨在简化操作, 提高会员参与度, 并吸引新的企业到你的社区.





了解我们的 网站和会员管理解决方案