的 Business Development Board of Palm Beach County Launches New App

Published: Monday, May 18, 2020 | Tags: 应用程序, Case Study, Chamber of Commerce, economic development, nonprofit

Business Development Board of Palm Beach County is celebrating the launch of its new 应用程序 as an investment to better serve members. We wanted to highlight the features of the 应用程序 as an example if your nonprofit, economic development organization or Chamber of Commerce is considering building one of its own.

Table of contents:

登录 Profile

的 sign in screen is decorated with a beautiful coastal background. Users can either login to access their account or close the sign in screen to peruse the 应用程序. When a member logs into their account, they can manage their preferences, update profile information and enable push notifications.

登录 profile

Home Page / Sidebar Menu

的 home page displays responsive, colored tiles with six main categories: Upcoming Events, Announcements, Local News, Refer a Member, Visit BDB.org and Settings. 的 three small lines on the top left corner clicks to a flyout sidebar menu that displays the member's name and photo (if they are logged in) along with menu options and social media icons.   


Homepage sidebar menu

Upcoming Events   

This custom page lists out each calendar event with a title, description and category. Event categories specific to the BDB Palm Beach County include special events, upper level breakfast, coffee talks, annual dinner and quarterly luncheons.

Upcoming Events

Project Announcements

This section features press releases of grand openings, company expansions and workforce resources. 的 announcements home page displays the publish date along with a headline. Also, each announcement post can include imagery or text only.

Project Announcements

Local News

的 Local News section layout is similar to the Project Announcements. 的se posts can include full length articles or external links to PDFs and other resources. 

Local News


If you’re interested in building an 应用程序 for your organization, please reach out to us over here at 立博客户端app下载.

We LOVE working with non-profits. See what 立博客户端app下载 could do for you!

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