
发表: 2012年10月18日,星期四 |标签: 观众, 商会, 钱伯斯, 网络, 社会, 社交媒体, 商会的社交媒体, 推特




上周的博客文章提供了一个步骤 使用Twitter的新手指南 -那是训练营. Today we open up the Twitter playbook and start implementing Twitter参与策略 你商会的目标受众!

But first, what exactly does the term “engage” mean? It’s tossed around frequently in reference to 社交媒体 marketing, 但往往没有一个明确的定义. So before I begin using the term freely in this blog post, I would like to offer up my definition:

Engage - to participate in conversations with members of your target 观众, for the purpose of establishing meaningful business-to-consumer relationships.



A hashtag creates a public conversation on a specific topic, 任何推特用户都可以投稿.

Twitter users place hashtags in their tweets to indicate keywords. 标签文本变成了一个链接, 哪一个, 当点击, provides a user with a live stream of other people’s tweets containing that same hashtagged text.

You can adopt the hashtag of an already-trending topic or keyword, or you can create your 自己的. JAX商会建立了自己的标签, # ilovejax, to encourage people to come together and talk about their favorite city. 


2)使用 在签署 @

Placing an @ before a Twitter username in a tweet sends a public message to that user. 

When you use the @ to mention another Twitter user in your post, that user receives a notification that she has been mentioned by you. 推文将发布到您的 自己的 profile page (not hers), but you will also show up in searches for that user.

在每条推文下面,你会看到一个选项 回复. 点击ing this automatically loads the @ into your tweet, making it easy to start a conversation with another user. Replies are visible to all Twitter users – simply click 扩大 然后 Details.

Be sure you are using the @ to mention members of your 观众 in your tweets. And when they mention you and ask a question (or make a complaint), be quick to reply. The Los Angeles 商会 used the @ to give a shout out to new members.



You can post other user’s tweets as your 自己的 by clicking 转发.

在推特上转发是一种奉承. When a user receives a notification that you retweeted his post, he’ll feel valued (and he might give you an @ mention back).

转发 posts that are interesting and relevant to your business. You should also use the retweet function to endorse your members’ tweets. The Muskegon 商会 retweeted a local organization’s upcoming event.


让自己的帖子被转发, 一定要发表乐观的言论, interesting content that people will want to share. 被转发有两个好处:

  • Your tweet’s reach is extended to a new 观众 of potential connections
  • Your tweet shows up more frequently in your followers’ streams


点击 最喜欢的 to show your interest in another user’s post without publicly retweeting it. The “favorited” tweeter will receive a notification and understand that you value her content. 

In the below example, the first image shows what to click to “favorite” someone else’s tweet. The second image shows what it looks like on your notification page when someone else “favorites” your tweet!




而不是点击 转发 button, quoting allows you to add your 自己的 comments when you repost a tweet. Place the other user’s tweet in quotation marks; use brackets or arrows to separate your comment.


Twitter apps on smartphones include a quote function that automatically formats your tweet. 但如果你引用的是电脑的话, you may have to manually copy and paste (be sure to use the @ to mention the tweet’s original author).



To break through the Twitter clutter, your chamber must tweet relevant, valuable information 至少 每天五次. (再少一点,你就像隐形人一样.)用这个 5-Tweets-A-Day plan as a starting point for implementing the Twitter strategies discussed today:

  1. Provide a link to your latest blog post or news article.
  2. 发布一个对你的听众有价值的事实. 
  3. Thank important followers for following you (use @).
  4. 转发 (or quote) an interesting post from a new follower. 
  5. 宣传即将到来的活动.


Today we took a deep dive into Twitter strategies for 钱伯斯. You learned how to use Twitter tools like the hashtag # and the 在签署 @ to connect and communicate with your 观众. You got to see how other 钱伯斯 are implementing Twitter strategies. And you received a five-step plan to jumpstart your daily tweeting! Now it’s your chamber’s turn to contribute to the conversation on Twitter and make meaningful connections within your community.


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