
发表: 2012年9月20日,星期四 |标签: 广告, 博客, 写博客, 为商会写博客, 室的博客, 商会, 商会博客, 钱伯斯, 商会, 如何写博客标题, 市场营销, 网络

Coming up with a brilliant 博客 post idea each week can be difficult. To make it easier, start thinking about your 博客 in terms of 策略.


就像你的网站一样, 宣传册, 每月通讯, your 博客 is an integral component of your chamber 市场营销 plan. Which means every 博客 article you write must follow a 策略 and support your chamber’s goals.

Though every chamber is different, all seem to strive toward four common goals: 

  • 会员增长和保留
  • 丰富会员网络
  • 地方经济发展
  • 经济立法倡导

在今天的帖子中, I have provided 15 室的博客 post ideas that follow smart strategies to ultimately support your chamber goals. I have also included some great examples from real 室的博客s. 继续读下去!

Strategy: Nurture your relationship with your members.

1 -讲述会员的商业故事. 例子: 夏洛特商会的创业故事.

2 - Interview a local business leader, and publish the interview in the form of a transcript. You could also post the video or audio recording along with a summary of the interview. Remember to ask questions that will generate valuable answers -  for example, “What challenges do you face in the aftermath of the recession, 你是如何克服它们的?”

3 -分享每周会员新闻汇总, particularly when a business participates in a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative or experiences, 引人注目的招聘, or experiences a significant increase in success. The Maryland 商会 puts a unique spin on this by sharing valuable 会员商业博客上的文章.

Strategy: Generate buzz about relevant events, including those hosted by your chamber.

4 -宣传即将到来的活动. 包括日期和时间, 位置, 要进行的活动的摘要, RSVP的链接, and an email address to contact with questions. 韦恩堡商会做得很好 列出重要事件细节.

5 - For weeklong events, write a review of Day 1 to encourage attendance on Days 2 – 5.

6 - Take a cue from sites like Living Social and give away discounted or free admission to an event. Award the first 5 commenters or the person who answers a trivia question correctly.

Strategy: Be an educational resource for business best practices.

7 -股票市场数据. Make it even more valuable by providing an analysis and asking your readers to share their own interpretation of the data. 葡萄藤室分享了他们的 七月经济发展报告.

8 - Invite staff and members to guest 博客 and share their expertise. 哥伦布商会甚至得到了他们的 总统写了一篇文章.

9 - Share the five most important takeaways from a presentation (for the people who missed the event). The day after an International Business Council breakfast, the Nashville Chamber 分享要点. 

Strategy: Provide education and advocacy tools about legislation affecting business. 

10 - Draw attention to pending legislation that affects business, and provide readers with a way to take action – perhaps a form that allows readers to send a personalized email to local legislators.

11 - Post a transcript from an interview with a local legislator about policies affecting business.

12 - Report on legislative news that is relevant to your local business community. 圣达菲商会用他们的博客 讨论立法机构 关于最低工资.

Strategy: Demonstrate why it’s great doing business in your city.

13 -鼓励成员, 室的工作人员, and members of the board to guest 博客 about why they love working and living in your city. One Amherst Chamber board member spoke from the heart, claiming, “阿默斯特学院很有魅力.”

14 - Highlight local attractions that enhance the “corporate life,” such as a nice park in the middle of downtown, 卓越的餐饮公司, or an annual festival that provides businesses with valuable sponsorship opportunities.

15 - Shine a spotlight on businesses that contribute to the betterment of the community. Highlight green initiatives, charitable contributions, and company volunteer days.


In order to fully leverage the power of your 室的博客, it’s important to make sure every 博客 post follows a 策略 that ultimately supports a chamber goal. Please note that these five strategies aren’t mutually exclusive. 而, all five strategies should be implemented to create a dynamic 室的博客 that supports your chamber’s biggest goals - to nurture membership, 帮助地方经济发展, and advocate on behalf of business legislation.

Come back next week for the fourth post of my 博客ging for Chambers series!


  • 你的博客有什么好点子吗?
  • What is your solution to coming up with new ideas each week?

Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below.

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Here are some other articles you might enjoy reading:


8 Tips For Writing Effective Chamber 博客 Titles

New 博客 Series: Supercharge Your Chamber 会员



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